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Innova provides turn-key solutions for video gaming industry.
  • High quality and long lifespan of the published games are our priorities. We are focused on games likely to become MMO legends, still popular even 10 years after the release.
  • We strive to build long-term relationships with our audience and do not resort to aggressive monetization. Instead, we know how to maintain the players’ interest for projects by organizing numerous online and offline events. We know how to interact with this audience, re-engage and increase it.
  • Through partnerships to empowerment. ESports leagues, social platforms, UGC channels – we create synergy. We increase the socialization of users and content consumption through encouraging UGC, developing mobile applications, implementing convenient and reliable payment modes.
  • Serious and thorough approach to anti-piracy actions is one of our core values.
  • We actively develop our presence in new regions and strive to become the leading single hub for the best MMO games, where anyone can find a project they like, useful information on their favorite game and new friends.